New White Paper From The Office of Experience Explores ROI as a Guide to Strategic Decision-Making

The Office of Experience, a full-service digital consultancy based in Chicago, has released a guide to ROI and navigating budget approval for technology projects with a new white paper by John Pehler. “Strategies for Maximizing the ROI of Tech Initiatives: a Field Guide for Ecommerce, Marketing, and Digital Leaders” lays out the ways that ROI can be calculated and explores the role it plays in high-level strategic decision-making.

John Pehler remarked, “The value I’ve seen in ROI thinking is not about looking backward to justify an investment; it has been thinking through the anticipated value prior to committing resources,” adding, “It provides the entire team a framework for understanding value at the intersection the problem we are solving for the customer and the opportunity we are creating for the company.”

The white paper examines ROI and its influences at every level, from projects and teams all the way up to enterprise-scale initiatives. It also illustrates how adopting an ROI mindset can transform daily operations, reflecting OX’s human-centered philosophy and multidisciplinary approach to integrating strategy, design, and technology.

John Pehler is an omni-channel strategist and advisor to executive teams with 30+ years of experience spearheading organizational change in highly-complex, matrixed organizations. He specializes in digital strategy and business transformation, ecommerce and marketing technology, and organizational structures and operating models.

Download the white paper today.