Stratton Cherouny Delivers Keynote on Designing Experiences for Infinite Moments of Truth

DENVER—February 24, 2020—Experts in user experience convene in Denver this week with aspirations to unpack and up-level ways of “Expanding the Boundaries of Experience.” Stratton Cherouny, Co-Founder of the Office of Experience, will join them to share insights on designing brand experiences that account for “n” moments of truth.

Experience Design 2020, hosted by Design & Innovation Global, helps those who design digital experiences to learn more about best practices from industry leaders. Sessions are targeted to specific functions and roles, as well as broader topics that cover the sophistication of organizational experience design implementation.

“Experience design and the idea that the experience is the brand really means that we’re in a relationship with our customers, and it’s not purely transaction in nature anymore,” Cherouny says. “Today’s consumers are experiencing moments-of-truth constantly in terms of their relationship to brands. This is an economy where we have to be intentional, we have to constantly work at delivering meaning to keep our customers.”

Experience design, and the emerging practice of service design, ensure that brands deliver on what they promise at every moment of interaction. The approach considers what a brand delivers in terms of its product, how it delivers it in terms of customer service and ways the brand can move with the customer in the world. Done well, experience design improves quality, conversion and loyalty by constantly optimizing the brand experience that lies at the intersection of expectation and reality.

Cherouny Stratton co-founded OX in 2014 after nearly 15 years working with digital and branding agencies in New York and Chicago. His client experience ranges from boutique brands in the lifestyle and apparel space to multinational leaders in consumer products, financial services, industrial manufacturing, and consulting. Throughout his career, Stratton has been at the forefront of innovation in brand transformation, design thinking and digital innovation.

His talk, “Navigating the Intersection of Expectation and Reality,” will be held on Tuesday, February 25, at 9:30 AM MST. The Experience Design conference runs Monday, February 24 through Wednesday, February 26, and is held in the Embassy Suites in downtown Denver.

Read more from Stratton Cherouny here on Moments of Truth and Navigating the Intersection of Expectation and Reality

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